Peter Son of Man

About me

My extraordinary life has given me a wide range of experiences with all kinds of beings. I was able to learn a lot from and about the Creator, his order of creation and the interconnectedness of life in human communities.

My numerous and exceptional insights into creation allow me to understand the situation that humanity is in right now. My inner essence has constantly increased my wish to serve the Creator and humanity. Starting in the year 2000, I gave seminars covering topics like health, personal development, spirituality, meditation, mediumship, magic and so forth.

Back then, many participants could not yet understand the content in depth. The extraordinary encounters in the channeling seminars, as well as the healings that occurred, were often not yet fully appreciated.

So I realized that I would be able to contribute more to the collective development of humanity by not only influencing individual fates by healings and seminars, but rather by developing and creating system structures committed to freedom, by setting a living example of their effects, and by creating the legal certainty that is necessary for their collective application.

True freedom and positive change on Earth can emerge only when humans have the choice to escape harmful influences of the current system. If many apply their love and power to build a better world, humanity will very soon find its way to an age of peace and universal abundance.

In order to achieve a truly free world, I founded a community. Working together with other pioneers, I wished to realize the vision of a world and society committed to the common good – in the spirit of prophecies of a Golden Age.

My new book in English

Book Endtimes 2020 Peter Son of Man
End Times 2020: Birth Pains of the Golden Age End Times 2020: Birth Pains of the Golden Age

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Peter was very important for my development. He opened my eyes to the things in life that you don't see. He showed me how strong my thoughts are.
He is a very special person.
— Connie
Pedagogue and Therapist

I find it very remarkable that Peter basically puts humanity, justice, nature and the laws of creation in front and thus has and embodies many qualities that are missing in most leaders today.

— Thomas
Scientist and entrepreneur

Peter shows people how to be free and detach from all the influences. How it is possible not to be an ant anymore. That is why he is a danger and is so violently defamed in the media.

— Benjamin

Hier in den Rundbrief eintragen!


Die Entscheidung zur vor- und erstrangigen Einlassung der rechtschaffenden Zweck- und Nutzungsvereinbarung im Königreich Deutschland gilt als selbstbestimmt, eigenverantwortlich, in gemeinschaftlicher Zustimmung getroffen und besteht für die Dauer der anhaltenden Inanspruchnahme. Diese beinhaltet den damit verbundenen ermöglichten Austausch zwischen den Zu- und Angehörigen innerhalb des Königreich Deutschland, der aus dem eigenen Willen getroffenen Zustimmung auf Tauschgesuch, Vereinbarung zum Tausch, Überbringung, Belegerstellung, frei zu treffenden Gewährleistungsansprüchen und Austauschmittel – dieses erfordert mindestens eine in Anspruch genommene und wohlwollend gestattete Zugehörigkeit zum Königreich Deutschland (KRD).
Bei rechtlichen Unstimmigkeiten gilt die gültige Verfassung und die damit verbundenen Regularien des Königreich Deutschland entsprechend des zwingend einzuhaltenden höheren Rechtstandes – vergleichsweise gemäß der in der Bundesrepublik in Deutschland geltenden Art. 6, Art. 42 EGBGB, Art. 3 Rom-I-VO. Die stringent einzuhaltende Gerichtsbarkeit ist der Gerichtstand im Königreich Deutschland. Es bestehen keine weiteren Rechte, Pflichten oder Kosten.
Copyright 2025. Peter, Menschensohn
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